Los valores son muy importantes en la vida ya que ayudan en tu vida personal, sobre todo en lo social, al tu tener unos buenos valores, como por ejemplo, honesto, respeto, amistad, solidaridad, entre otros; lo más probable es que tengas muchos amigos y muchas personas que te quieran y te valoren, porque sabrán que eres una buena persona ,pero una persona sin valores casi siempre es rechazada por la gente ya que no las trata bien o mejor dicho, los inrespeta, les miente, no es buen compañero ni buen amigo, etc.
Para mi los valores son fundamentales en la vida, tanto para tener una buena relacion con tus familiares como con tus amigos y personas cercanas. Los valores mas importantes en mi vida y los que mas pongo en practica son, el respeto, el compañerismo, la amistad, la honestidad, la solidaridad ,el amor y muchos mas pero nunca terminaria si pongo todos los valores que aplico en mi vida.
Aqui les dejo unos enlaces de paginas de valores: http://www.fundaciontelevisa.org/valores/
lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013
Los Valores para mi.. Victoria Carrero
Los valores están presentes desde los inicios de la humanidad. Para el ser humano siempre han existido cosas valiosas: el bien, verdad, belleza, felicidad, virtud, y muchas otras.
Para mi... los valores son esenciales para la vida, estos provocan una buena convivencia y armonía de la sociedad, el respeto, la solidaridad, la honestidad y el amor son los valores mas importares para mi.
Los valores pueden ser tomados por cada individuo de diversas maneras pero lo mas importante es tratar de seguirlos y de siempre dar lo mejor posible.
Entre mas valores y buen comportamiento exista en la sociedad esta crecerá y se desarrollara de manera positiva.
Para mi... los valores son esenciales para la vida, estos provocan una buena convivencia y armonía de la sociedad, el respeto, la solidaridad, la honestidad y el amor son los valores mas importares para mi.
Los valores pueden ser tomados por cada individuo de diversas maneras pero lo mas importante es tratar de seguirlos y de siempre dar lo mejor posible.
Entre mas valores y buen comportamiento exista en la sociedad esta crecerá y se desarrollara de manera positiva.
Word Values
We say that teenagers are those who are in the stage between being a child and an adult, they lack many thigs, the most important is the social area and what others think of them.
In the current society they are many distractios and more freedom from the parents to their sons where they can do things that were ot allowed before, it's surprising that we can be walking down the street and hear a kid screaming "bad words".
Is have being proved that teenagers use a short and not very expressive vocabulary, because of the lack of knowledge, usually when moms asks their childres "How was your day?" the answer is "Normal" or "Fine" because of lack of words to express, thats way people invent knew, to use them as they like best, "De Pana", "Tripeatelo", "Vacila", "Epa" are examples.
Also when we hear a very rude and empty vocabulary is believed it is for two reasons...
1. Becuase of social stuffs , usually used by mans, it make them feel more strong ad powerfull, they are "breaking the rules", this behavior is also supported by others, something that motivates the use of profeity.
2. A tag, they are word whit no meaning in the senteces..."Hey man, how are you man, all good man, i have ot heard from you man" this can be corrected with reading.
The best way to improve vocabulary in society is avoiding "bad words" especially with childrens and teaching the positive of a good vocabulary.
In the current society they are many distractios and more freedom from the parents to their sons where they can do things that were ot allowed before, it's surprising that we can be walking down the street and hear a kid screaming "bad words".
Is have being proved that teenagers use a short and not very expressive vocabulary, because of the lack of knowledge, usually when moms asks their childres "How was your day?" the answer is "Normal" or "Fine" because of lack of words to express, thats way people invent knew, to use them as they like best, "De Pana", "Tripeatelo", "Vacila", "Epa" are examples.
Also when we hear a very rude and empty vocabulary is believed it is for two reasons...
1. Becuase of social stuffs , usually used by mans, it make them feel more strong ad powerfull, they are "breaking the rules", this behavior is also supported by others, something that motivates the use of profeity.
2. A tag, they are word whit no meaning in the senteces..."Hey man, how are you man, all good man, i have ot heard from you man" this can be corrected with reading.
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